why not, prey tell ??
why can't we ?
after all.....
there is myriad evidence to the contrary...
i say WE CAN !!
and WE WILL !
and so....
we move forward.....
and happily, it is with very little trepidation indeed....
for things have somehow gone our way all along !
there were bumps in the road...
MORE than bumps ......
there were MOUNTAINS in the road !!
no !!
there were the FREAKING ALPS !!!!
for God's sake !!!
we survived....
not only did we survive, but we thrived !!
(and without even a hint of frostbite !)
and so....
and so it goes.....
Pros...Stream of Consciousness.. from Master Author Toby Gotesman Schneier
What makes a traumatic situation real and not somehow sensationalized or exaggerated ? What constitutes real trauma ? Is it all relative ? I...
life is filled.......on a daily basis, with complexity...... overlapping, dichotomous situations are rampant , amid clear and specific conun...
from somewhere wayyy above the 'starlight kingdom'....... comes a fairy.......with wings........ a delectable, fantabulous 'p...
What makes a traumatic situation real and not somehow sensationalized or exaggerated ? What constitutes real trauma ? Is it all relative ? I...