when a mother's love for a child...
that it actually hurts....
when the child's tears or embarrassments
LITERALLY become embodied
within the pit of her own womb ...
when she feels the child's pain so acutely,
that it causes her to double over in agony...
this kind of 'sympatico' is virtually IMPOSSIBLE to relate...
and frankly, I'm not so sure that ALL mothers have felt what I'm describing....
bottom line....
a mother's love for her child is a delectable gift from 'on high'....
cherish it....
wrap yourself in its silken puffiness....
lucky are you for having been given the grand ability to LOVE...
Pros...Stream of Consciousness.. from Master Author Toby Gotesman Schneier
What makes a traumatic situation real and not somehow sensationalized or exaggerated ? What constitutes real trauma ? Is it all relative ? I...
life is filled.......on a daily basis, with complexity...... overlapping, dichotomous situations are rampant , amid clear and specific conun...
from somewhere wayyy above the 'starlight kingdom'....... comes a fairy.......with wings........ a delectable, fantabulous 'p...
What makes a traumatic situation real and not somehow sensationalized or exaggerated ? What constitutes real trauma ? Is it all relative ? I...