and yet again,
we are transported to another REALM...
as if we've inhaled some kind of psychedelic drug....
.but NOT...
and the energetic floor begins to, literally, undulate...
and POWERFUL , PALPABLE shifts begin to occur...
And we take a gander in the GILDED mirror on the wall...
and lo and behold!
EVEN our pristine features have shifted, ever so slightly, in order to
accommodate the EXTREME transformation that is occurring well beneath
our EYES and HANDS and AURA....
and HOPEFUL WHIMSY lines the ALTAR of dissemination....
as our attention is called UPWARD...
and suddenly, we UNDERSTAND "true FUSION".....
for it is INDEED in these momentous and ethereal moments....
that ALL THINGS become ONE......
we are transported to another REALM...
as if we've inhaled some kind of psychedelic drug....
.but NOT...
and the energetic floor begins to, literally, undulate...
and POWERFUL , PALPABLE shifts begin to occur...
And we take a gander in the GILDED mirror on the wall...
and lo and behold!
EVEN our pristine features have shifted, ever so slightly, in order to
accommodate the EXTREME transformation that is occurring well beneath
our EYES and HANDS and AURA....
and HOPEFUL WHIMSY lines the ALTAR of dissemination....
as our attention is called UPWARD...
and suddenly, we UNDERSTAND "true FUSION".....
for it is INDEED in these momentous and ethereal moments....
that ALL THINGS become ONE......