Wednesday, March 9, 2011

God's Presence...

Fascinating phenomenon really....
We ask and beg and beseech God to help us and save us and send down some miracles...
and we don't hear or see any palpable response....
And then...
we turn a corner...
and we 'let go', in a way...
I guess that I'd call the 'letting go', """ FAITH"""....
and something happens...
something seemingly random...
a bird flies by and WINKS at us....
or a pile of bananas at the local fruit market suddenly has an aura of ethereal gold around it...
in a 'GOD ly' way...
or a toothless vagabond smiles at us, KNOWINGLY....
in a way that only WE can understand....
smiles THROUGH us...
And WE KNOW...
beyond a shadow of doubt...
That HE is here....
watching right over our shoulder...
keeping us safe....
Brings tears to my eyes.....
This is GOD...
It's SO CLEAR...
HE is not hidden whatsoever....
One only need possess that "FAITH"....
that immeasurable HOPE and BELIEF that life will bring blessings and fruits....
that indefatigable ZEST...
I don't mean to PREACH, my friends...
Just observing....


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