Monday, June 4, 2018

Tragedy meets Irony meets Color....

The woman stood, AGHAST, as she saw, for the FIRST TIME,
the TENTS ...the beautifully colored tents, filled....overflowing with HOMELESS PEOPLE....
in her new town... Fort Lauderdale.... 
just blocks away from her LUXURY APARTMENT.... steps away really....
She felt, in no particular order , very,very SAD.... somewhat GUILTY.... DISGUSTED....
And then.... ultimately....
She felt GALVANIZED....
As if there were a REASON for her being in THIS PARTICULAR PLACE at this particular time...
She walked into the AIR CONDITIONED building, her over-filled brain trying to PROCESS what she'd seen.... 
Only then, to be accosted by yet ANOTHER TERRIFYING VISUAL....
Two mothers....clearly "down on their luck".... YELLING feverishly at their TINY children to be careful as they ran and slid up and down the VERY STEEP escalators....dangerously....recklessly...
The woman realized, with sudden incredulity, that these dangerous escalators in the air conditioned building served as their SUMMER PLAYGROUND....
A "shelter" from the tedious & all-encompassing heat outside...
In a fleeting moment, she wondered whether those 4 people, the mothers and their kids, had been even "fortunate" enough to be granted entrance into one of the colored tents outside or if they just had the steamy streets as their beds....
The woman determined, THEN & THERE, that this was NOT ACCEPTABLE....UNTENABLE...
a violation of humanity...
She would PAINT THEM and somehow, she would save them....
Her plan began to take form....


What makes a traumatic situation real and not somehow sensationalized or exaggerated ? What constitutes real trauma ? Is it all relative ? I...