Thursday, November 24, 2011

There is NOTHING...

quite as disappointing or as dis enchanting as a DUMB MAN......
It's kind of difficult for me to relate to you how EMPHATIC I am about this...
But let me try...
See if we are, in fact , in accord....
How do you know, you ask, when you are in the presence of an IDIOT ???
Here are some BIG, RED FLAGS to watch out for...

1) ALWAYS says the WRONG THING...
2) is STINGY with Complements, Nice isms, etc.....
(for fear that he is being UPSTAGED....which HE IS!!!)
3) cannot wrap his mind around ANYTHING that you say !
4) cannot SPELL even his OWN NAME....
5) forgets ENTIRE CONVERSATIONS 10  minutes after they occur.....

Need I go on ?


Ya can't live with'm....
and ya can't live without'm....
My friends....
Truer words were never spoken....
the undulating, gyrating, and utterly infuriating
 effects of relationship cycles...
ever reconnoitering and discombobulating the VERY atmosphere
 in which they SEEK to dwell ...
What do we get back as a result ?
Companionship ??
PICTURES HUNG on our walls ??
I suppose so....

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Are we ALWAYS looking for something ELSE ?

Are we ever REALLY SATISFIED with our lot in life ?
with our choices ?
with our LOVE choices ?
Is there a BETTER LOVE just over the horizon ?
Was this even LOVE ?
or merely a CONVENIENCE ?
What of INTIMACY ?
Where does SEX fit into this equation ?
WHO set up the original PARAMETERS of this 'thing'
which we toss around like some random

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Missy and the child in the pink sweater...(continued)

Missy was in a QUAGMIRE to be sure....
If she opted to take the lost, little girl to the police,
they would CERTAINLY  NOT allow Missy to watch over her, or keep her safe....
and God forbid,
little Violet would be LOST in the system....
Nope !
She could NOT do that....
On the other hand, if she took the child home with her, there could be an implication
of even KID NAPPING or the likes....
Contact the store manager ???
So, in an attempt to remain REASONABLE,
Missy determined to call her lawyer and friend,
and tell her about the dilemma in which she found herself....
This was the BEST course of action to take.....
Meanwhile, little Violet CLUNG to her so tightly,
that Missy could not help but let out a sob....
Carmine answered her cell right away....
She said simply,
 "Just STAY where you are !   Don't move!  I'm coming right over"
The store was COLD....freezing, in fact....
Missy stood there in the aisle holding the child....trying to comfort the sad little girl...
She did NOT MOVE ONE INCH in any direction....
People were beginning to stare......
(to be continued)

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

As Missy approached the child....

she felt a great sense of MELANCHOLY....
There was something SO PROFOUNDLY heartbreaking about the sight of the little girl,
standing there ALONE....
There were tears in the child's eyes....
Missy squatted down in front of her...
and the child virtually RAN into her arms....SOBBING......
Missy took the note from the child's sweater....
It read simply....
"I can't take care of her anymore. Please help her. Her name is Violet."
Oh my GOD....
This was insane !!
Should she go to the store manager ?
Drive to the police precinct ?
Take her home and think about what to do ???

Monday, November 14, 2011

Missy was in the Supermarket....

There were SO MANY people......
One could barely navigate through the aisles....
She would attribute these throngs of shoppers to
It was the only answer in these situations....
But I won't BORE you with questions, yet again, regarding
for THIS vignette is about what happened in the supermarket....
as she was FIGHTING against the current of CRAZY CONSUMERS....
jockeying for positions all around her...
she saw......
just in front of her....
a child....a little girl....
with no ADULT showing any sign of belonging to the child.....
anywhere in sight....
The girl looked to be around 3 years old.....
She was dressed in PINK....
(beautifully dressed)
There was a note taped to her lovely, baby pink sweater....
The child looked directly at Missy...
Now, there are all kinds of reasons that one does NOT approach a child alone....
but Missy had never been a great proponent of RULES....
and she could simply NOT leave this little girl standing alone....
so she approached her....carefully....
(to be continued)

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Layer upon layer....

of serendipity and cream......
Can we ?
Should we ?
Are pomegranates the "Love Nectar" of the Middle East?
Soooo RED.....Soooo Juicy...
Almost DECADENT in their deliciousness ??
Is it WISER to eat them slowly....seed by seed ?
to DEVOUR them in large, sinful clusters of Sweet Ecstasy??
What say you ?

Saturday, November 12, 2011

She could not possibly capture ALL of it.....

...but from what she was able to SEE....
she knew ONLY that life was engorged with ENDLESS POSSIBILITY...
that these COLORS of AUTUMN were a 'full on' miracle from GOD...
for no sentient being had the slightest possibility of PERFECTING such splendor.....
the ORANGE.....the RED...the GOLD....
Absolutely magnificent....
And it dawned upon her that she was INDEED LUCKY....
that beauty surrounded and even FOLLOWED her....
And SO WHAT if she couldn't wrap her mind around 'setting the clock backward or forward' !!
I mean...
SO WHAT, right ??
For she was blessed with DIVINE INFORMATION after all....
She would do the ONLY thing she could in this situation...

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

As Missy waited impatiently for the drawn out ORDEAL to be over already....

she tried, ever so desperately,
to steer her mind away from this current melodrama...
She'd never been one for SITTING STILL for too long....

She thought of sandy beaches and tanning oil and the aroma of bananas and rum...
and of creamy, satin sheets with flowers and chocolates strewn all around them,
whilst the mosquito nets blew in the ocean breeze , directly above the bed......
She thought of the wild goats running through the crystaline, blue water in Anguila...
and of those rainy, CRAZY nights in London ....
She thought of Israel....
of Haifa in particular....
of the hot, sultry evenings she'd spent walking the sidewalks with her first LOVE....
smoking TIME cigarettes....
drinking Maccabees straight out of the bottle...
She thought of dear, old HILARY....
and of the EXTREME AMOUNTS OF 'dogma and rhetoric'
one must mandatorily SWALLOW in public life......

And then....
she was STARTLED right out of her nostalgic haze...
as the colorist proclaimed,
"All done !!!  You look FABULOUS !!"
and so it went...

There were SO MANY things to deal with.....

Yikes !!
Where would she find the time ??
WOULD she find the time ?
What if Everything were bundled into a neat, zip locked, bag of hoo haa ??
Wouldn't that be BETTER ??
Were there SPECIALISTS in "muddled hoo haa" ??
She'd Google it !!
YES !!!
And then she'd take the WHOLE, pernicious, zip locked bag......
and she'd effectively TOSS IT into somebody ELSE'S hands !!
hence THWARTING the perceptible  bag of rocks and debris which
 she'd been LUGGING around on her broken,
( yet lovely),
shoulders since the YEAR ALEPH !!........
This was a CAPITAL IDEA, Watson !!!
Yes !!!
She was googling it now !!
" Specialist in LUMPING entire sacks of OBLIGATIONS and TO DO lists
into a Neat, Zip locked BAG,
and taking complete OWNERSHIP away from OVERLY ENCUMBERED women !"

Sunday, November 6, 2011 the wave of ridiculousness began to subside...

it occurred to her that she may have allowed her EMOTIONS to get the better of her...
and in so doing, she may have acted impulsively...
I mean, after all....
What CRIME had he committed ???
It was SHE who gave incredibly MIXED MESSAGES...
She had, in haste, DELETED his phone number....
She had blocked and deleted him from EVERYTHING in her life....
And now...
he would never speak to her again....
Should she DRIVE to the SCHWARMA RESTAURANT ????
She was pretty sure he'd be there....
and honestly....she was having ONE GREAT HAIR DAY.....

Thursday, November 3, 2011

an Epiphany.....

As I was canoodling my way through the strangely confusing day....
I came upon a large, RED box....
It was lying there, in plain view....
on the ground.....
just in front of the 7/11....
I hesitated....
Should I pick it up ???
Should I ignore it ??
Could it have been put there by TERRORISTS ???
Was it a trap ?
Did this 7/11 sell lottery tickets ???
ALL of these questions were slamming together inside of my head...
something about this GORGEOUS container was calling my name....
There were letters or symbols or something etched onto its surface...
almost like hyrogliphics...
What was inside ??
Magical Cigarettes ??
Candy ??
A BOMB ???
CASH ???
I stood there, wavering.....waffling....
straddling the quagmire of disconcertion....
as I looked around,
I realized that there was NOBODY in sight....
What to do ????
What to do ???


What makes a traumatic situation real and not somehow sensationalized or exaggerated ? What constitutes real trauma ? Is it all relative ? I...