Saturday, November 19, 2011

Missy and the child in the pink sweater...(continued)

Missy was in a QUAGMIRE to be sure....
If she opted to take the lost, little girl to the police,
they would CERTAINLY  NOT allow Missy to watch over her, or keep her safe....
and God forbid,
little Violet would be LOST in the system....
Nope !
She could NOT do that....
On the other hand, if she took the child home with her, there could be an implication
of even KID NAPPING or the likes....
Contact the store manager ???
So, in an attempt to remain REASONABLE,
Missy determined to call her lawyer and friend,
and tell her about the dilemma in which she found herself....
This was the BEST course of action to take.....
Meanwhile, little Violet CLUNG to her so tightly,
that Missy could not help but let out a sob....
Carmine answered her cell right away....
She said simply,
 "Just STAY where you are !   Don't move!  I'm coming right over"
The store was COLD....freezing, in fact....
Missy stood there in the aisle holding the child....trying to comfort the sad little girl...
She did NOT MOVE ONE INCH in any direction....
People were beginning to stare......
(to be continued)


What makes a traumatic situation real and not somehow sensationalized or exaggerated ? What constitutes real trauma ? Is it all relative ? I...