Thursday, April 23, 2009

as we were departing......

from the hall of 'crustaceans'......
we saw, in the distant HUMMER sky.....
(i mean SUMMER sky!)
a golden, balloon-type object.......
rather awkward really......
nonetheless, prevalent......
we shrieked!!!!!
"OH NO!!!!!!"
"OH NO!!!!"
we have gotten 'the boot'!!!
how can this be???
where is the 'tow park'???
is there a roller coaster at the tow park????
will they be selling cotton candy???
we will stand in the line of forlorn 'lovers' with 'boots'.....
we will be, as if, a 'puss' in boots!!
we are crawling at the bottom of the sea......
as though, twistedly, we ARE THE CRUSTACEANS!!!!
oh my goodness!!!
the 'gestalt' of it all!!!
youd have to , literally, whoop us 'upside the heads',
were we, somehow, to miss the OBVIOUS message embedded herein!!!
oy vey........
oy gestalt.......
i mean 'gevalt'!!!

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