Friday, May 22, 2009

and the red flame continues to 'wax' poetic....

filling the feminine atmosphere with sugary, sweet energy....
taking the 'obstacles' from the aura which surrounds us,
(6 ft in every direction),
and literally transmuting the particles into unlimited potential........
into love.....
for without love, the sun would cease to shine its sinewy light upon our 'deprived', dehydrated bodies.....
and that would indeed be a shame and a crime of nature.....
we are here to enjoy, to feast upon the elemental gifts abounding.....
there is no question with regard to this basic tenant...
having said that, hedonism is most certainly, perfunctorily NOT the goal....
rather, aspiration toward happiness....bliss even.....
within the constant parameters of discipline....of virtue.....of generosity....
of extreme consideration for the plights and even the CONCERNS of others.....
for they, indeed, will benefit from our endorsment and support.....
a fine, red flame reminds us to respect and cherish the universe......
divine, really......
goddess xrebbetzin......

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