Monday, January 11, 2010

underneath the bedsheets........

in that place where you can curl up and 'be yourself'........
wayyyyyyy down beneath the covers........
there lives, unbeknownst to most,
a little 'fairy'......
an ultraviolet 'fairy'..........
with transmutational powers......
so when you feel those prickly, jabs at your feet and tummy,
its really the 'little, glowing entity' in your bed,
transmuting any negative energy into positive influence.....
and so on........
magical things are taking place as you sleep !!
alchemical type things........
'alchemizing' your heart....and such.........

and my friends, once you have this tidbit of 'life altering' information,
keep it 'entre nous'........
we don't want the 'mischief devils' making 'devilled eggs' out of it,
for goodness sake !!!!

and when you wake up feeling as if you've been sprinkled with 'love dust'........
a tad of gratitude may be in order......(without the corny or posthumous implications!)

and so on......

GODDESS X, 'my loves'..........

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