Sunday, May 23, 2010

and the world turns on its 'ever-shocking' axis.....

and dogs continue to 'bite'......
and babies continue to 'cry'......
and couples continue to split up......

and we wait, with bated breath,
 for answers to RIDDLES.....
perpetual riddles and quandries.....
as ever.....

the fairies are whistling and singing and 'prancing'....

for they had,
 in point of fact,

predicted ALL of which has come to pass....

the fairies have a right to be 'smug', after all.......

it's uncanny really.....
they ALWAYS know.....

so the curtain is being 'called'....

as MOHAMMED continues to 'try' to
 "come to the mountain"....

(but he can't !)

what is going on, people ???

it would appear that MESSIAH
 is FINALLY on his way.......

so it would appear......


What makes a traumatic situation real and not somehow sensationalized or exaggerated ? What constitutes real trauma ? Is it all relative ? I...