Monday, July 19, 2010

when it comes to 'LOVE'......

all bets are off...
whether it makes sense or not...

what is it that creates 'LOVE' ?

is is the intoxicating aroma of the lover ?
his hair ?
his CURIOUS  entrenchment in all things 'aetheistic' ?

when all is said and done...
how does our brain chemistry fuse with our DNA ??
and how do these two components then translate themselves into
an 'OPEN HEART' dance ?

when it comes to 'love'.....
we are but mere puppets on a stage of
'happenstance and ceremony'.....

blinded, in fact,
and such......

so we set out, hopefully,
anxiously even....
to TRY,
yet again....

to ALLOW our vulnerability to consider the  CHANCE of 'LOVE'........

as with all things poetic.....
we wax and wane.....
in a sort of 'bio-rhythmic flow'......
and ANTI-FLOW....

we knock the 'SENSIBLE' far, far away from our 'standing position'.....
so that we are, actually,
 allowing our loins and noses and pulsations to make
the DECISION for us........

when it comes to 'LOVE'.......
we become ONLY
A RED  ball of fluff and sinew and hope......:}}


What makes a traumatic situation real and not somehow sensationalized or exaggerated ? What constitutes real trauma ? Is it all relative ? I...