Wednesday, December 15, 2010

She was like Scarlett...

in the red dress...
all eyes were upon her....
with her full decolletage and her blatantly provocative manner.....
and lets face it...
she was GORGEOUS...
not SILLY, movie star gorgeous...
more in a delicious, feline kind of way...
like a perfect apple.....
an apple that purrred....
and she knew it too...
having walked through life, consistently on the 'other side' of the issue ....
yet somehow FRONT and CENTER at the same time...
what it must feel like to be HER...
so pleased with oneself....
so assured....A CAT...
YET her hands told a different story....
one could tell so much from a woman's hands...
and somehow, they did not 'ring' true...
in  relation to the luxurious, silk taffeta which she wore...
for they were weathered and overworked....
As Scarlett herself.....
picking potatoes in the fields by day...
and waltzing in her evening gowns at night.....


What makes a traumatic situation real and not somehow sensationalized or exaggerated ? What constitutes real trauma ? Is it all relative ? I...