Monday, January 10, 2011

And the glow of the ferries at the end of the "iced-over" pool...

was somewhat off-putting in the quiet of dusk...
it gave her the very distinct impression that she was NOT ALONE...
that the magical little imps were following her,
not ONLY on TWITTER !!!
but throughout her life....throughout her days...
sprinkling ferry dust and confectioners sugar atop her auburn head...
literally washing her with liquid LUCK and serendipitous happenstance...
she shivered...
it was cold out there...
should she approach them ?
she'd been told ,on more than one occasion, that the ferries liked to keep their DISTANCE...
that their form of LOVE was a bit less 'touchy-feely' than that of humans...
but she really could not resist....(and seriously, she was HALF FERRY herself!   right?)
so she wrapped the fox collar tightly around her neck, and she pulled her thick sweater
and she tiptoed over to the haunt behind the pool....
where the glow of 'their' light was becoming more conspicuous as daylight turned to night....
but what she SAW made her STOP SHORT !!!!!
there, in the small haunt, behind the pool, in the Hampton's...
there were...
what can ONLY be described as THOUSANDS of ferries....or ENTITIES, lets say....
tiny, little people really....
men, women, even Kids !!
around a FIRE.....and humming....
(i think spiritualists would call it TONING....)
and they dressed up !!
in suits and tiny, little ties....and BALL Gowns !!!
I'm not making this up !!!
and there were drummers and rattlers at 4 points around the huge fire.... question bout that....
and as she approached, (for fear and forboding had left her completely!),
the drummers and the rattlers and the singers and dancers and TONERS.......
 fell on the haunt behind the Hampton pool........


What makes a traumatic situation real and not somehow sensationalized or exaggerated ? What constitutes real trauma ? Is it all relative ? I...