..she reflected back upon those years....those DECADES really....
spent in this BUSY, DIRTY, PERPLEXING metropolis....
Had they been GOOD years ?
Yes, of course....for the most part anyway...
And as she contemplated the upcoming MOVE...
the spirit of HOPE and TRANSCENDENCE was SO ACUTE....
that she couldn't help but chuckle...
A new life !!
Just across the river...
It occurred to her that people spent veritable LIFETIMES
whining and lamenting about their situations, their geographical locations,
their style of living....
But they RARELY did ANYTHING to change things...
It was a bold move she was making...
OUT of the frying pan...
into the "URBAN CHIC"...
, ultimately,
to NOONE but herself, her son, and GOD....
Oh, yes !
This would be an ADVENTURE !!
She couldn't wait...
spent in this BUSY, DIRTY, PERPLEXING metropolis....
Had they been GOOD years ?
Yes, of course....for the most part anyway...
And as she contemplated the upcoming MOVE...
the spirit of HOPE and TRANSCENDENCE was SO ACUTE....
that she couldn't help but chuckle...
A new life !!
Just across the river...
It occurred to her that people spent veritable LIFETIMES
whining and lamenting about their situations, their geographical locations,
their style of living....
But they RARELY did ANYTHING to change things...
It was a bold move she was making...
OUT of the frying pan...
into the "URBAN CHIC"...
, ultimately,
to NOONE but herself, her son, and GOD....
Oh, yes !
This would be an ADVENTURE !!
She couldn't wait...