Saturday, April 16, 2011

As King Pharaoh succumbed...

to the ENORMOUS pressures placed upon his shoulders..
regarding the Hebrew slaves being set free...
As he attempted to thwart the deadly and mystical plagues set upon him and his people....
As he tried to imagine himself running a nation, completely devoid of JEWs to kick around....
there came a Heaviness on his heart....
For he KNEW, full well, that the JEWs held the TRUE keys to the kingdom...
His Napoleonic ego quivered at the thought of allowing these HEBREWs to go free...
and hence 'sicking' them upon a world, actually quite RIPE for "takeover"...
He hemmed and hawed at allowing this FINAL DECREE to manifest...
He shut his eyes tightly as the LOCUSTs appeared...
He wore a HELMET in order to DUCK the HUGE BALLS OF HALE coming towards him...
He swore off FROGs LEGs forever, even though it had been a favorite delicacy of his....
He had to admit, in the end of the day, as his SOLDIERs were drowned in the RED SEA...
that these people KNEW something....
Their GOD was SO POWERFUL....
He would have to revisit this issue in the morning....
His head was SPLITTING from pain as he waded through the BUCKETs of BLOOD...
This 'KING GIG' was NOT all it was cracked up to be!!
He tried to sleep, but that annoying "LET MY PEOPLE GO" song kept drumming through his head...
I mean, the damn song had already risen to the top of EGYPT's pop charts !!
Maybe there was another ENTIRE NATION out there he could trick and enslave....
The thought comforted him as he FINALLY fell asleep...


What makes a traumatic situation real and not somehow sensationalized or exaggerated ? What constitutes real trauma ? Is it all relative ? I...