Sunday, April 3, 2011

Just a little bit of adjustment....

goes a Long way......
No change in this life is doable...palatable...tenable...
without some sort of adjustment period...
even without EXPECTING a period of disconcertion...discomfort....
Our very genetic coding is set.....
in familiar rhythms and patterns...
And so...
to essentially 'upset' the patterning which has been etched into our DNA...
(or seemingly so..),
of course...
requires a period of GETTING TO KNOW the new rhythm....
of falling into the groove of a new WAY....
The MISTAKE which we, as humans, tend to make...
all too frequently...
is to JUDGE the "newness" all too early,,,,,, to BALK at it even.....
without giving it the appropriate amount of time to marinate...
to resonate....
This 'adjustment process' can take a month, perhaps even up to a YEAR in some cases...
Just observing My Friends....
Don't shoot the messenger !


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