Tuesday, April 19, 2011

She just kept going and going.....

..and going...
to the point of exhaustion...
Well, not that she would have EVER admitted that....
Her energy levels were, of course, second to none...
But really, people...
How much activity can ANY sentient being endure without just plain FALLING ??
So fall she did...
into sleepy, contemplative rapture...
BLUE rapture,,,,,'
deep...puffy....snugly, BLUE rapture....
And even though the odds were against her being able to dance the night away....
one of the two namesaked gentlemen...after all...
had scheduled an evening of courting...
just for her...
And so...
Shake off the fatigue she must......
because  clearly CUPID was coming calling....
with his bow and arrow poised...
just directly at her heart.......
And so she coiffed ad soaped...
and primped and drank mugs full of steaming, caffeinated,
And away she went !!!


What makes a traumatic situation real and not somehow sensationalized or exaggerated ? What constitutes real trauma ? Is it all relative ? I...