Through Astral Projection, Clairvoyance, etc...
one can ultimately access the AKASHIK RECORDS....
This is not a fete which can be reached by a novice, mind you...
Like any other form of metaphysical, or even physical evolution,,,
this kind of access takes years upon years of....
(lets call it MUCLE BUILDING)....
the muscle of the THRD EYE....
the INDIGO....
These files contain the actual, RECORDED, ABSOLUTE, HUMAN EXPERIENCE.....
in its auspicious entirety....
in its auspicious entirety....
Anthropomorphically, they are almost like a gigantic "cookies"....(computer term for ALL HISTORY)
The Illumined masters say that these records are continuously being updated....
'REFRESHED', if you will....
So that EVERY, single step you take is being ETERNALLY IMPRINTED
up there in the STARLIGHT KINGDOM.....
So that EVERY, single step you take is being ETERNALLY IMPRINTED
up there in the STARLIGHT KINGDOM.....
Why am I sharing this with you ?
Lets just say that a 'little birdie' wanted you to know......