Friday, March 8, 2013

On Control.....

Do we EVER really have ANY control over ANYTHING at all ?
Is control an illusion ?
By believing that we can control something,
 do we essentially COMMIT to being MANIPULATED by said thing ?
When should we allow the absence of control to just ride along its organic path ?
Because, after all, that's what its doing regardless...
When is it time to "throw our hands up in the air" ?
Just ALLOW the fates to take over ?
Let's face it,,,,they've never NOT taken over...
In fact, they've never HAD to take over because they were ALWAYS in control of EVERYTHING...
Is admitting....acknowledging...
that we DO live in a completely VULNERABLE state...
is this a MILESTONE on the multifaceted road to SELF-ACTUALIZATION ?
And IF.....
we REACH this "higher level" of consciousness,,
then what ???
For we have admitted aloud that we CONTROL NOTHING.....
Hence, the Consummate Existential Dilemma... 


What makes a traumatic situation real and not somehow sensationalized or exaggerated ? What constitutes real trauma ? Is it all relative ? I...