Monday, May 13, 2013

And the days move forward...(apres Mother's Day)

And we don't even notice the time as it FLIES BY right in front of our noses....
And then..
in a flash of CLARITY or just
TIME slaps us directly in the face..
standing there in all of its sheer bravado and gumption...
And we try to RUN,,,,but our feet are glued to the ground beneath us.....
And we attempt to shut our eyes...
But it's as if invisible toothpicks were holding the lids firmly open.....
And so...
we have no choice whatsoever...
We can only look time SQUARELY in the eye....
And guess what ??
It's not pretty...
The woman standing bent over her walker...
that' your MOM....
your BEAUTIFUL, ENERGETIC, Piss 'n Vinegar MOM....
But where did all that aforementioned stuff that defined her GO ??
She is frail and tired and her walking is very, very slow....
And you CRY on the inside...
missing that old mom, but loving this one just the same....
And there's a knock on the door...
And you are shaken from your silent reverie......
And so it goes...yet again........


What makes a traumatic situation real and not somehow sensationalized or exaggerated ? What constitutes real trauma ? Is it all relative ? I...