Saturday, June 7, 2014

The Consumate, Existential Dilemma...

Why things happem....
Why obstacles appear...
Why we turn a corner and the ENTIRE scenario has shifted to an extreme...
(somehow having been camouflaged or even hidden to us during its inception...)
These are the mysteries of life....
The perpetual questions...
And IN these pivotal moments..
These Essentially LIFE-ALTERING moments....
HOW do we react ?
How did we, in fact, INFLUENCE the occurrence in question ?
Were we even factored in at the onset ?
WHO did the planning ?
WAS it planned ?
Happenstance ?

The perpetual pursuit of TRUTH...
How to UNEARTH its precipitating factors...

Will this girl find the answers beneath the layers of paint ??
Remains to be seen...


What makes a traumatic situation real and not somehow sensationalized or exaggerated ? What constitutes real trauma ? Is it all relative ? I...