Thursday, December 18, 2008

night.........evening contemplation........

when it is very still.......

when night has fallen deeply into position......

i can process the events of the day......

the madcap flights of fancy........

i can regroup and reconnoiter......

having made it through, in my inimitable, frenetic fashion.......

yet another day of parking tickets, starbucks, and a plethera of other nonsymbiotic , yet even handedly familiar, karmically
silly and superfluous happenings......

and then...........the DATE........



what if............
how will............
im not.........

im out of it before im even IN it!!!!
i have got to stop the cycle of commitment-phobia.......

i know what ur thinking........
how can a 'serial-marrier' be a COMMITMENT-PHOBE???

thats just it, my friends.....
jump in...........jump OUT......
no glue adhesively sticking me onto the guys hip........
would that there were such a glue.......

strong enough to make me stay.......

ELMERS would freakin clean up!!!!!
we would go soooo lonnnng the market on such a product!!!!

oy vey.........
little bit o somethin somethin n somethin.......

i dont know........

what to wear???
sandals and fur.........DUHHH.......

being picked up in the 'quint////'

an escalade with a driver.......
guys got my number!!!
true DATTT...........

what about the 'other' ???

im not being fair......i know........

easier to go out with someone i WONT like!!!

i will keep you POSTED!!!!

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