Wednesday, March 10, 2010

and fear, in and of itself, has left the building......

giving way to complete and utter confidence...
we knew......we knew that if we outlived that scoundrel(fear)....
we'd arrive at some 'illumined' sort of 'finish line' by spring.....
and although the solstice has yet
 to 'buck' its head at our friend, the groundhog......
we can safely proclaim that 'SPRING HAS SPRUNG'.......
in demeanor and in the heart of the MATTER....
oil paint and low carb chocolates have been posted upon the menu
of 'diner girl's' cave....
and the calendar of 'dates' is filled to the brim......
and scheduled 'sessions' have met their match.......
as MITT ROMNEY gets ready to kick some 'donkey ass' !!!!
that's all i got !!!
stay tuned......

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