Thursday, March 11, 2010

on 'absolutism'....

this is, for certain, a difficult topic.....
requiring a kind of 'open mindedness', in order to even understand it....
here's what i feel obligated to try to impart:

speaking in absolute terms about virtually ANYTHING........
can be misunderstood, best....
to truly be a 'person of valour and conviction'.....
one must make EVERY EFFORT to delve into the viewpoints of others.....
to the extent that.....
we can begin to feel their plight, dilemna, suffering,
 and even pleasure points.....
without so much as a 'modicum' of judgment.....or worse, 'insult'......

not so easy to do, my friends,
 in light of the horrific scenarios which
are taking place all around us....
these are, indeed, troubled and 'dis figured' times....

even MORE REASON for keeping an open mind and,
of course, an open heart cavity.... :))

.......for david jeffrey wright....(respectfully)

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