Thursday, October 28, 2010

there are SO many obstacles.....

on the road to success...
the most significant one being the 'snippety' people
 watching and/or 'helping'....
they don a big smile just for you,
 and they make you feel that they care....
and then...
just like that.....
just after receiving that PIECE of you....
that private part which you've entrusted to them ....
and they become grumpy and whiny and MEAN...
and they gossip and they sneer....
and they STAB YOU with their COLD, HARD IRE....
and all you EVER WANTED was a little support !!
and you WONDER how on earth you got involved
with them in the first place !!!
and yet again you realize...
that you've been WAYYYYYY too trusting....
and so it goes, my friends...


What makes a traumatic situation real and not somehow sensationalized or exaggerated ? What constitutes real trauma ? Is it all relative ? I...