we remember times past....times of another color....another texture...
black and grey....and rough to the touch....
times that were not as cozy and multitudinous as NOW...
as serene and sanguine and ORANGE as TODAY....
for upward mobility....for having kept "hope alive".....(lol)
for Diet Coke with a 'twist'...
and as the cranberries are in full bloom....
and as Macy's balloons reach crescendo in height and mass.......
and as the masses are still somewhat dumbfounded...
by our VIRTUAL Admissions.....
candidly, we move forward....
and the "Jone's" of yesteryear can keep their stock portfolios at bay...
for we are the ones bathing in a bay "of pigs"....
will Santa clause be wearing a KIPPAH as he shimmies down the
chimneys of the "utterly mortgaged" homes ?