there sits an ORACLE....
that he is VERY, VERY large.....
and that his skin GLOWS even from afar, as one approaches.....
I've heard that this GIGANTIC PROPHET can shift and shape and MANIFEST
one's dreams, aspirations, goals, and desires into REALITY with the twist
of his wrist and the wave of the white SCARF
that he holds wrapped around his CHUMASH (bible)...
I've heard that his MERE COUNTENANCE can make one feel SAFER and more PROFOUNDLY SECURE than one has ever deemed possible...
in fact, the name of the MOUNTAIN...
HAR HATZOFIM, loosely translated,
implies a place from which to WATCH OVER JERUSALEM....
perhaps....NO DEFINITELY !!!....
we should pay him a visit !!!
I wonder whether I can just 'drop in'....
Do you think i need an appointment ??
HAPPY NEW YEAR, my loves....
Pros...Stream of Consciousness.. from Master Author Toby Gotesman Schneier
What makes a traumatic situation real and not somehow sensationalized or exaggerated ? What constitutes real trauma ? Is it all relative ? I...
life is filled.......on a daily basis, with complexity...... overlapping, dichotomous situations are rampant , amid clear and specific conun...
from somewhere wayyy above the 'starlight kingdom'....... comes a fairy.......with wings........ a delectable, fantabulous 'p...
What makes a traumatic situation real and not somehow sensationalized or exaggerated ? What constitutes real trauma ? Is it all relative ? I...