Thursday, January 27, 2011

(HOLOCAUST REMEMBRANCE DAY)......there is a place,,,,,,

There is a place...
just on the other side of the Hudson....
with startling views of LADY LIBERTY....
and i had occasion to visit there just the other day....
and LIBERTY was the central theme in the room....
JUSTICE and LIBERTY and inalienable FREEDOM....
and it got me thinking...
about how EASY it is to lose site of the 'bigger picture'....
and of that old woman, whom I've mentioned before....
the one on Park Avenue who begs for money every day...
and of the juxtaposition of these two statements...
"impoverished desperation" versus "luxurious autocracy"....
and how both can coexist within the same 3 mile radius....
And  then I thought of how TODAY is
 "Holocaust Remembrance Day"....
and of how my parents suffered so...
and of how one never truly knows SECURITY....
for it can "leave the building", unnoticed....
and render one SHOCKINGLY INDIGENT....
with no real warning having been waged....
and i found myself wondering how my "LADY LIBERTY" would feel....
without her shining and utterly FABULOUS countenance....
and whether even SHE could be subject to DESTITUTION at any given moment...


What makes a traumatic situation real and not somehow sensationalized or exaggerated ? What constitutes real trauma ? Is it all relative ? I...