Thursday, March 24, 2011

Here's Something You Can Take to the Bank EVERY TIME...

That no matter how much ALL points lead to the very SAME conclusion....
things will NEVER end up as you expect them to...
JUST A FACT OF LIFE, my friends...
and that VERY unexpected outcome is what makes it ALL so sweet, so poignant,
and so totally enthralling and titillating...
WE REALLY DO NOT KNOW where the next bend will take us....
And if we possess even a MODICUM of ADVENTUROUS spirit,
that magic carpet may come along at ANY moment
and essentially LIFT us up into the sky.....
And from this vantage point....
We will be afforded the esteemed luxury of
the PAST...the PRESENT....even perhaps a GLIMPSE of the FUTURE...
Don't lose hope, BROHEEMs......
The carpet's on its way to you just as we speak...


What makes a traumatic situation real and not somehow sensationalized or exaggerated ? What constitutes real trauma ? Is it all relative ? I...