Ya know those people who you didn't even notice enough to SPIT on in high school ??
the ones who are continuously and perpetually seated at the shittiest table in the room ?
doomed to having the LEAST bit of status, honour , or recognition ?
The ones who are FOREVER COMPLAINING about their lot in life....
to the extent that EVERYBODY has stopped listening long ago...
(the few who actually cared to listen!)
because honestly,
they don't seem to have it so bad...
But these people are SO USED to being the ODD MAN OUT...
the FIFTH COLUMN, if you will,
that they complain even BEFORE there's an issue to complain about !
and they get under your FREAKING SKIN...
and they crawl on their hands and knees like vermin...
and they do WHATEVER they can think of,
in order to GET YOUR ATTENTION....
but you are NONPLUSSED....
you don't even give them a bat of an eyelash....
and this makes them CRAZIER and MORE DESPERATE than ever !!
for they are a MERE ANNOYANCE...
a pest...
a fly to swat, if you so desire....
a PIMPLE on your NOSE....
annoying but FINITE really....
and they want SO BADLY for you to SEE them and HEAR them and DESIRE them even...
But that's NOT happening.....
So they show up every so often...
and let's face it, TOTALLY ENVIOUS...
just sayin'......
Pros...Stream of Consciousness.. from Master Author Toby Gotesman Schneier
What makes a traumatic situation real and not somehow sensationalized or exaggerated ? What constitutes real trauma ? Is it all relative ? I...
life is filled.......on a daily basis, with complexity...... overlapping, dichotomous situations are rampant , amid clear and specific conun...
from somewhere wayyy above the 'starlight kingdom'....... comes a fairy.......with wings........ a delectable, fantabulous 'p...
What makes a traumatic situation real and not somehow sensationalized or exaggerated ? What constitutes real trauma ? Is it all relative ? I...