Sunday, February 5, 2012

And so the proclamations abound......

as per usual.....
"IT WON'T !!"
And you wonder...yet again.....
Where ON EARTH they gathered their information on this issue ??
I mean...
WHAT BASIS did they have ??
None, right ?
And then.....
when faced with the impending,
PRACTICAL MATHEMATICS of the looming situation....
you begin to realize...
that THEY are just people....
entitled FULLY to their opinions....
(however wrong they may be !!)
and you kick that YOGA practice into high gear.....
and you take a DEEP, ALL CONSUMING breath....
and you RE VISIT the whole, freakin' scenario......
And guess what ???
They may have actually done you a favor !!


What makes a traumatic situation real and not somehow sensationalized or exaggerated ? What constitutes real trauma ? Is it all relative ? I...