Wednesday, May 2, 2012

On Afterthoughts....

It is all well and good...
to "be present" be "engaged"...
In fact, I'd venture to Say even that its "mandatory"...
Having said that....
I'm wondering whether we actually ALLOW ourselves the LUXURY....
(Well...... the NECESSITY)
of really considering the place in which we currently stand....
In other words....
we have TRUCKLOADS and VOLUMES of "stuff" thrown at us on any given day...
on MOST days really...
And we pretty much "comprehend" the hurling matter as it flies by...
or rather...
we THINK we're comprehending it......
But are we TRULY weighing the pros and cons??
the inevitable CONSEQUENCES of too quickly accepting those
hurling clumps of "matter" as GOSPEL ?
Am I making sense ?
Are you COMPREHENDING what I'm saying ?
We accept 90% of the things that are told to us as TRUTH....
Trust me on this....We DO...
they are virtually UNACCEPTABLE....
And we get DOOPED, my friends.....BIG TIME......
Yup...we DO......
We get "BAMBOOZLED" into situations and into CONTRACTS even !
which we have NO INTENTION of seeing through to completion !!!
We didn't even know we were AGREEING to them in the first place!!!
And so....we are faced , in retrospect....
(in IMMEDIATE retrospect!)
with the UGLY TASK of having to call them back....
of having to face them with our ULTIMATE CONCLUSION to
simply MOVE on....
knowing FULL WELL........
that we appear to be INDECISIVE, HORSES ASSES......
OK ?


What makes a traumatic situation real and not somehow sensationalized or exaggerated ? What constitutes real trauma ? Is it all relative ? I...