Passover always feels to me like the ultimate "Spring Cleaning"...
Not only do we scrub and empty and essentially FENG SHUI EVERYTHING in our homes and in our LIVES....
But we also go through a pretty extensive and specific "Body Cleansing"...
We rid ourselves of Wheat and Corn for starters....
2 of the MOST POTENT ALLERGENS known to man....
Accident ?
Or ...
Did God know EXACTLY what He was doing when He designed this "Curious" holiday ?
For SURELY....
Passover was not "man-made"...
Right ??
And it follows, in a rather perfunctory way .....
that with such an all-encompassing, "CLEANING OUT",,,,,
a catharsis of the EMOTIONAL BODY would organically occur as well..
What does this SUPREME CLEANING OUT mean ?
What does it look like ?
Just thinking aloud....
Pros...Stream of Consciousness.. from Master Author Toby Gotesman Schneier
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