Friday, January 18, 2013

It was raining....(NOT a metaphor...)

pouring actually...
And she, as per usual, was driving....
There was traffic...(THIS was UN-usual...NOT !)
and she was listening to that Bruno Mars song about the SEX being something spiritual....
She LOVED that song...
She was thirsty...parched....
It had been one very long, tedious day....
And she was doing the RECKLESS thing that people do these days...
She was TEXTING while driving...
She HATED when people did that....
But SIGNIFICANT, LIFE-ALTERING things were going on that she simply HAD to
respond to immediately !!!
That's how fatal accidents happen, right ?
So ...
you've got the picture of the rather mundane circumstances of this particular moment...
I should tell you now that the sky was kind of a dark, grey-purple....
It was 4 in the afternoon on this winter day,
so that the blue cloak of evening was quickly appearing in the sky,
coupled with the very ominous, dark weather....
She had been talking to GOD these last several days...A LOT...
asking for HIS majestic hands to carry her....
for HIM to essentially wrap her in HIS omnipotent light and power...
to, (let's be honest...), GUIDE her....
in spite of ALL of her enigmatic, "UBER-MENCH-"  hoo-haa...
she was kind of lost...
And for some reason, unbeknownst to her,,,,,
she was not receiving the EXPECTED response...
For she had been in this kind of moment all too many times before...
and she had ALWAYS felt HIS response rather immediately...
The concept of FAITH was not really necessary for her to embrace,
or so she "believed"...
as she had had rather EMPIRICAL evidence that GOD stood beside her always...
Perhaps, in reality, FAITH was so completely ingrained in her DNA,,,
that she just took it for granted....
she wasn't feeling GOD now...and it bothered her terribly....
She stopped at a convenience store to buy an iced tea...
And here's what happened:

An older woman...
with kind of reddish hair and a round, kind face...
appeared from somewhere in the small store...
(Strange that she hadn't HEARD the woman's footsteps as she approached....)
Clearly this woman was a customer as well....
The woman smiled at her...a BEAUTIFUL ANGELIC smile really....
a STARTLING smile...
difficult to put into "anthropomorphic" terms somehow....
There was light around the kind woman's head...
The word "HALO" crossed her mind as she looked into the beautiful, caressing eyes....
She noticed then, very ODDLY, that the woman wore no shoes...
in WINTER !!!
in freezing, cold temperatures !!
in an "On-The Run", gas station, store !!!
in New Jersey !!!
She will never be able to tell you what this "ethereal" being was wearing...
It escaped her completely somehow...
The woman spoke...
It was not English really.....not ANY familiar language at all actually...
It was the sound of "gurgling" really....of "water and air"...
But the message which she delivered was CLEAR as day....
A BLANKET of COMFORT and RELIEF was suddenly "wrapped" around her...
She turned for just a moment to pay for the iced tea...
When she turned back,,,,the woman was GONE...
(with no sound),,,,
as though she'd never even existed....
But the feeling of ELATION....of PROTECTION....
stayed with her for the rest of the evening...
And she KNEW, beyond a shadow of doubt,
 that GOD had answered her....

Shabbat Shalom....


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